Pisa Marathon. 9 Weeks Out.

Amsterdam Half Marathon - 1 Week Out

Why is my focus on running a fast marathon, and, why am I so obsessed with running? I really think it all boils down to wanting to be good at something. In terms of academics, I was a mediocre student in school, but, I was a good athlete. In particular, a good swimmer. No subject really lit a fire in me - including sports - but P.E was the one class where I earned the respect of my peers. I hated not understanding maths or science, especially given that my Dad is an academic and could not understand why I didn’t understand seemingly simple equations and formulas. But he was very proud when I would win races at swimming galas. Perhaps this is why, after a few years in the music industry, I came back to what I knew. I trained to become a S&C Coach and found myself heavily involved in Powerlifting throughout my thirties. 

So why the obsession with running? I think, simply, because it’s an untapped resource for me. A place where I can make a lot of progress. At 44 years old I need to be growing, improving, on a daily basis. Powerlifting ended when my body stopped tolerating what I needed to do to be better. Put simply, my frame does not like supporting 116kg. I’m a skinny guy. That kind of weight took its toll on my health. God knows what running is doing to it, but I know for sure that it feels one hell of a lot better than it did.

Monday of this week was essentially ground zero for me. HR back to normal. Fitness returning. Whilst I might not be in the shape that I should be right now, I do feel ready to hit a big PR in Amsterdam. 

I ran 6 miles easy, choosing not to do my usual double since the past couple of weeks have been 70+ miles, but it looks like I’ll hit 70 or close to this week regardless. I don’t know how I’ve adapted so well to running 70 miles per week. This time last year, going north of 60 miles would have me feeling pretty wrecked. To be honest, I feel fine currently. I think the double days really help. I’ve long believed that I’m not a volume guy, but that’s simply because my fitness was never in a place that could handle any real volume. Will it help me not to feel so terrible in the final 10k on race day? I’d love to be the athlete who sprints across the finish line, head held high, rather than the grimacing mess that characterises nearly every finish of every race I’ve ever done.

Tuesday was a session. A continuous run of 4 mins at 3:46 per k and 4 mins at 4:04 per k, for 7 rounds or 56 minutes total. Avg pace came to 3:55 and HR 160. Good, solid session. 

Wednesday was my usual 12 mile, midweek long run. 5:09 per k at 133 HR over 230m elevation.

I decided to take Thursday off and instead begin my day with some isometrics. Plyometrics are usually completed before running sessions. At this point the heavy, traditional lifting has been temporarily stowed. This isn’t a hard and fast rule as such, I just like to keep my gym work autonomous to account for various factors such as fatigue/time etc.

Friday brought another HM focused session:

8 x 1 min on 1 min off followed by 20 mins at marathon pace (not pulse) and 20 mins at half marathon pace. The minute efforts averaged out at 3:10 per k. I didn’t do these all-out as I’ve been trying to keep my left hamstring in a good place, and true Vo2 work tends to make it tighten up. All was fine today. The marathon pace was 4:01 per k and the HMP was 3:46 per k - this is based off running a 1:19 half which, I don’t honestly believe I’ll do, but it felt good and my HR peaked out at 167 (1 beat under HM HR).

Average pace 3:52 and average HR 161bpm.

Saturday morning was an easy (and slightly tired) 9 miles. I made the decision to leave ASICS this week. I’ve been on the team since 2018 but should really have moved on years ago. I loved the team and the opportunities that being on board brought, but, in an attempt to come across as more ‘ASICS’, I recently shared a reel with text relating to the brands ethos, a ’Sound Mind Sound Body’ and, honestly, it immediately felt wrong. Like I’d sold my soul for a pair of running shoes. At that moment I knew. 

This isn’t meant to reflect badly on ASICS or the FrontRunners. I loved my time with the brand and my friends there. But there are others who deserve my spot more than me.

Sunday capped the week with a 16 mile long run. Avg pace 4:49 and avg HR 142. It felt good but I am ready for a little reduction in volume as we head into race week. 

Do I have a goal for the Half Marathon? I guess, realistically, I might be on target for 1:21-1:22. The dream would be a sub 1:20 but I can’t see that happening. Perhaps in February when I run the Wokingham Half.